Dry Ideas Kit - Coffee Life
Add a touch of warmth and charm to your kitchen with this drying mat, featuring the Coffee Life collection from Wilmington Prints. This easy-to-make mat is perfect for beginners and seasoned crafters alike, offering a fun and functional project that blends style with practicality. Finishes to approximately 14-1/2" x 16-1/2" or 8" x 14-1/2".
Follow along with Jen as she shows you how fun and easy it is to create this Drying Mat!
Kit Includes:
- All Fabrics to make 1 Drying Mat
- Bosal In-R-Form Drying Mat Stabilizer
Pattern sold separately.
Reg. $34.50
Sale (Loyalty members earn $1.04)
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$34.50 (Loyalty members earn $1.04)
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